5 Tricks to Relieve Anxiety

When that tingling feeling starts in my hands, my heart starts pounding loud enough for me to hear it, and my thoughts begin to race, I know exactly what it is: anxiety.

Everyone experiences anxiety differently. For some it comes out of nowhere, for others it shows up like clockwork, every day at the same time. For me it shows up when I get hungry, or am working out, or driving, or am alone. No matter how or when it shows up it’s almost never welcome.

Our misfiring flight or fight system makes us want to try ANYTHING to get rid of it. To kick it to the curb! To get it gone once and for all. But alas, it almost always shows up again. So next time it pops its little monster head try these 5 tricks (my personal favorites!) to give yourself some relief:

  • Meditate – Yes, yes, this one has probably been said to you one hundred times, and the thought of sitting in a crosslegged pose with your eyes closed “humming” probably doesn’t sound appealing, but guess what, you don’t have to! Meditation can literally happen anywhere at anytime (well, try not to be driving or operating heavy machinery, LOL). This is by far my FAVORITE and most successful technique at calming my anxiety.
  • Go for walk – Getting your blood flowing, and your body moving does wonders for your mental health. It also can rewire the brain to think that anxiety time is really exercise time! BONUS!
  • Listen to your favorite, upbeat music – Listening to something positive can send signals to your brain that says “everything is okay, I mean listen to how awesome this song is!” And if you feel like it, get up and bust a move!
  • Talk to a friend/family member – Opening up to those closest to you about your anxiety and fears can feel like a elephant coming off your shoulders. It gives you that peace of mind knowing someone else knows and you aren’t having to deal with it on your own. They may also be able to offer some advice that cuts through the nerves.
  • Write it down – I have found that when I have anxiety, writing it out forces my brain to focus and really think about what I am feeling and why. It gives me time to get to the heart of my anxiety so the next time I face it I know exactly what’s causing it and I can combat that anxiety with facts.

These are just a few of the ways I’ve learned to combat my anxiety. I would love to hear what tricks you have learned! Drop a comment and let’s fight this beast together!

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